Thursday, April 28, 2011

Special Easter Message From Bishop B. Penrose Hoover

The proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central message of the Christian faith. It is a message of radical hope and promise, assuring us that God does not abandon us even in times of greatest anxiety and danger. The morning light at the empty tomb dispels the darkness of death and despair and gives us a foretaste of God's assurance of eternal life.  
But this assurance is not limited to the future that God gives. The hope it brings sustains us in the face of illness and fear here and now.  And there is much fear and anxiety in the world and in our lives. The economy remains shaky and drastic budgetary cuts in public programs along with the inexorable increase in the price of gasoline renew fears of another economic collapse. We continue to fear the possibility of terrorist attacks and watch the violence spreading across the Middle East with trepidation. We long for renewed hope while we fear what the future may hold for us... wars and rumors of wars... nation rising against nation... famines and earthquakes in various places... In short, we fear death.

This fear is universal and particular. It takes its sharpest focus in our lives and relationships with the diagnosis of critical illness. Even with great advances in medical science, the word "cancer" still has the power to shock and stagger our emotions. Most of us have experienced this in our families or in our families of faith. This gut-wrenching experience challenges our faith and often strains our relationships with one another and with God. It is at such times that the voice of the risen Lord calls us again to hope and gives us strength to face the realities of life in a mortal world. For those who live and walk in faith, our deepest fears call forth our deepest hope.

Some time ago, I saw the following words framed and displayed in a doctor's office. These words, I think, speak directly to the hope and assurance that Easter brings and I share them with you now.

Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away peace,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot reduce eternal life,
It cannot quench the spirit,
It cannot lessen the power
Of the resurrection.

May Easter's blessed gift of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen and sustain us in every circumstance of life. And may our Easter joy be reflected as we welcome one another into each new day that God gives.

Faithfully, your bishop,

+B. Penrose Hoover

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