Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal Entry #2- Valentine’s Day Kindness

This morning, I “crashed” the Zion Nursery School Valentine’s Day party.  Imagine my surprise to learn that the director, Diane Fry, was “at a meeting”!   Instead, there was a wonderful “Valentine Lady”  all dressed up in red, pink and white hearts with a crazy hat covered in heart figures.   I think she called herself “The Mystery Mail Person”.

 Mystery Mail Person led the children in learning activities and games all on the Valentine’s theme.  Two of these games were “Jumping Hearts” (a number game) and “Mend a Broken Heart” (a puzzle completion game).  The children had a great time!

My favorite activity was one in which a Valentine with a child’s name was drawn, and the classmates were asked to say “kind things” about the child.  It was obvious that these children were learning to be salt and light for one another through their kindness and caring.

A lot of nice things were said.  The children mentioned how this little girl or boy played nicely with them.  Quite a few were complimented on their shoes and clothes.  Others were told that they were “good at jumping.”  Appreciative and caring comments were given by their teachers and classmates to each child.

Two of these “kind words” were particularly memorable.  One little boy raised his hand when his twin brother’s valentine was shown.  He said, “I love him!”  When a little boy’s name was shown, a girl sitting next to me said, “He’s my best friend.”

Kind words are a valentine’s gift that we can give every day!

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