Thursday, February 13, 2014

J2G @ Zion Continues! 2014 Highlights Part 1

If something is not growing, it's dying.  At Zion, we're in the process of growing- spiritually and physically.  Some thought that J2G @ Zion was over last November.  No, my friends!  That was merely the first leg of many in our journey together.

So what's going on now?  Ministries and leadership of Zion have made the commitment to GROW!  This and the following posts provide some highlights.  Come and grow with us!

Zion Nursery School:  Due to low enrollment in 2013, our little school was forced to cut back on staff and number of classes each week.  For 2013-14, one small class of 4-year-olds has been meeting on Monday-Wednesday-Friday each week, taught by Alice Carr and Dianne Moore.

 Just before registration opened for the 2014-15 school year in January, the Nursery School Board and Congregation Council agreed to a two-year commitment with emphasis on the marketing and redevelopment of the school.  The board is looking into getting help from a local university marketing department to develop a plan.

 Already, we are trying new things to get the word out about our wonderful school.  For the first time, special ads can be heard on a local radio station.   Listen for spots on WROZ Radio "The Rose" 101.3 during the next week announcing the ZNS Open House on Feb. 19, 12-3 pm.  Check out the new Zion Nursery School Facebook Page and the updated information on our website.

 Our goals are to have a minimum of 12 students enrolled for the 2-day class for 3's and 4's by  summer and to have both classes reinstated by the fall of 2015.  Annual fundraisers through Giant+ Rewards (ongoing),  Cloister car wash coupons (February) and S. Clyde Weaver sub coupons (March) are some ways that you can help our school continue to provide excellent, Christ-centered, academically grounded preschool education for children of our community. Call the church office (898-2911) for more information.   Please spread the word about Zion Nursery School.

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