Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Clergy Appreciation Month Thank You

“We believe that the concept of clergy appreciation started with the Apostle Paul as he was establishing the first Christian churches. In 1 Timothy, he wrote, "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching" (1 Tim. 5:17). And, in 1 Thessalonians, he said, "Respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work" (1 Thess. 5:12-13).

Thank you for making the month of October very special! I certainly feel appreciated as your pastor.  The delicious red velvet cake on Oct. 7, the lovely peace lily plant by the altar in the middle of the month, and the box full of cards, notes, drawings and gift cards on Oct. 28 were all very kind and thoughtful surprises.  I was humbled by these gestures from this wonderful congregation knowing that there are many pastors whose congregations do little or nothing to show appreciation for their ministry.  I feel very blessed to be pastor of Zion.

Being the inquisitive person I am, I thought I’d find out just where the idea of “Clergy Appreciation Month” came from.  The quote above is from the Thriving Pastor website was included in an article about the designation of October as a month to show appreciation for the work of ordained parish pastors and ministry staff.  I learned that, beginning in 1994, Focus on The Family ministries was involved in organizing and promoting what is now known as “Clergy Appreciation Month.”  The website even includes a 14-page manual to assist congregations in planning clergy and ministry staff appreciation events.   Of course, the article emphasizes the scriptural foundation of showing appreciation for ministry leaders throughout the year.

Members of Zion congregation have certainly modeled what Paul wrote- not only during the past month but also throughout the months I have been serving here.  Even when there have been differences of opinion or vision for the congregation between members and myself, there has been a sense of respect for each other and for the partnership we share in Christ’s ministry.  Oh, there have been challenging times, of course, but in the midst of these times, there also have been words, notes and actions of care and appreciation.  Many cards and notes I have received are kept in my “smile file” in case I need a quick “pick up” when ministry challenges overwhelm me. 

To repeat what I said to the worshiping community on Sunday, Oct. 28: “I appreciate you!”   Zion is an exciting and wonderful congregation to serve as pastor.  We have a lot of work to do together, with God’s help, in order to grow our ministries to meet the needs of our community.  I am convinced that the Spirit is leading us to be “the church that feeds the community” through worship, faith formation, and service in Jesus’ name.   I feel honored to have been called to share in Christ’s ministry with you!

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