Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 1: New Orleans, here we come!

Day 1 We're on our way to New Orleans! In the pre-dawn darkness, the group gathered In front of the church. Parents and their blurry- eyed sons and daughters had all arrived by 4:15 am. Each participate received a pair of work gloves and goggles that will be used during the servant project on Thursday. After stowing their gear and choosing their seats, fond farewells and hugs were exchanged before Pastor JMe said a prayer for our travel. Our Student First bus driver made good time on the highways to D.C., arriving at Reagan International Airport by 6:45. Bob gave a quick reminder of airport protocol ("There are certain things you don't say or even joke about when you're in an airport."), and boarding passes were distributed. Because of Bob's preparation for the trip, we were able to go directly to the security checkpoint. "That looks like a group of good Lutherans!" While waiting to go through security, these words greeted us as a group from Good Shepherd Lutheran, Woodbridge, MD joined the line. Pastor Mike, Rachel and 6 youth were on the flight with us. Pastor JMe felt her age when she asked Pastor Mike if he had attended a previous Gathering. "Well, I went when I was a youth," he replied. Ouch! Arrived in NOLA about 10:45 am (9:45) LA time. After saying goodbye to Amy and Jeff Thompson, who were traveling with us on their way to a few days in FL, we were guided towards buses that were waiting to take us to our hotels. Imagine arranging transport for 37,000 Lutherans that have descended upon your city! Actually, the Gathering planning team has done a phenomenal job preparing for the event. There even was a huge billboard welcoming the Gathering participants to the city as we left the airport. We were welcomed at the Doubletree Hilton by Michael and his team of Community Life volunteers. While the rest f the group enjoyed the Gathering hospitality room and delicious, ice cold lemonade, Bob and Pastor JMe registered the group. Believe it or not, all our rooms were ready for us within 15 minutes of our check-in time. We are in the "Pennsylvania Hotel." All the groups from synods in PA are at the Doubletree- and there are a whole lot of us! After dropping off things in our rooms, we headed over to the Convention Center to register. It was like walking through a river of Lutherans. Everywhere we looked there were groups in various colors of t-shirts. Many groups,like ours had designed shirts specifically for the event. Others were wearing their congregation shirts or shirts from previous gatherings. IMHO, our t-shirts are the most original. Of course, our own Cory Paternoster designed them!
As we walked by other groups, they would ask, "What State ?" we met groups from South Carolina, Minnesota, Ohio, and even Alaska. In typical youth fashion, a lot of high fives were going around. Already, there is a community of the saints building in New Orleans. While our adults attended their special orientation and picked up all the registration materials, including blue backpacks and orange t-shirts for "Practicing Justice Day" (on Thursday when we participate in a service project out in the community), the youth enjoyed the displays and activities in the interactive area of the convention center (more about this venue later). As we gathered to return to the hotel, an old fashioned New Orleans jazz band marched through the center, horns blaring out "Yessir, That's My Baby." Spontaneous dancing broke out all over the place, including among the members of our group. More to come!

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