Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are you salt and light when you're online?

This article reminds us that we are called to be followers of Jesus in whatever we do---even when surfing the web.

5 questions Christians should ask themselves before logging on

Nations will come to your Light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. - Isaiah 60:3

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. ~John 14:12

by Toni Birdsong
We are God’s beloved. We are heaven’s people; the blood-bought, Calvary claimed sons and daughters of the Most High King. We are the rescued ones empowered by the Holy Spirit to cover even greater earthly ground for the gospel than Christ himself.
But do we really get what that means? Better yet: Do believe it? If so, we should log online each day with the untamable expectation that through our words, ideas, and interactions, Jesus Christ will be seen. When we truly believe and live out Jesus’ words in John 14:12, then The Great Commission stops being an ideal and becomes a personal, burning, reachable charge.
5 questions to consider before you log on today:
  1. What’s my plan and purpose for being online? Are you wandering around aimlessly, casually posting minus a biblical filter? Are you chatting on and on without a point? Stop. Be quiet. Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you with a purpose and lead you in a plan for your online time.
  2. Am I majoring in the minors? Do you spark conflict, whine, complain, judge, make sarcastic comments, post random nothings, or criticize others? If so, you you’ve lost sight The Great Commission and the amazing opportunity to share the gospel in the online space. Log off. Get into the word. Ask God to anoint your thoughts, eyes, and words.
  3. Would Jesus approve of how I spend my online time? Not every click needs to be about sharing your faith, however, every click does need to align with the teachings of Christ. Please—be interesting, funny, creative, diverse, and opinionated—just don’t allow the “you” to clash with holiness and majesty of your King. Yes, the temptation is great so ask God for help.
  4. Am I influencing culture or is culture influencing me? Are you fixed in your purpose and standing your ground or are you easily (or subtly) swayed by the cultural banter, music, opinions, news stories, and assortment of morals swirling around you? If you’re confused about the biblical view of a controversial issue or idea—or if you are emotionally charged—don’t post! Log off. Breathe. Search the scriptures. Pray.
  5. Does my digital footprint point others toward heaven? If you added up your posts, comments, photos, profiles, tweets and “likes,” would they point others toward heaven or confuse them about who Jesus is and why He came?
Remember, you can’t make a difference in this world unless you are different. Your Sunday worship doesn’t need to end abruptly when you show up in the world on Monday. Don’t hoard the Love that saved your life. Be brave. Stand apart. Be the light in the darkness so that others will be able to recognize and encounter the person of Jesus Christ.
Do you struggle with any of the above questions? Can you add a question/s to our list?
Post/tweet this today:Don’t hoard the Love that saved your life. Be brave. Stand apart. Be a light in the darkness. #LiveSticky

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