Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wouldn't it be wonderful to talk with Jesus face to face?

While visiting Anna Mary, one of our homebound members, she responded to the story of the Samaritan woman at the well with the question above.  Just think what a blessing it would be to be in the physical presence of our Lord and to receive the salt, light, and living water of his grace in person! 

I agreed with Anna that this would be a true gift.  Then, I added that I do indeed encounter Jesus "in the flesh" whenever I visit with her and our other elder sisters and brothers.  They minister to me through their stories of life and faith.  Their witness to Jesus' love, grace and forgiveness are salt, light and living water for me. 

Jesus' presence is also seen in the care of the women who come to Anna's apartment to help her and keep her company each day.  On the day I visited, Sue stayed to greet me when I arrived and Chelsea was there to stay for the rest of the afternoon and evening.  Chelsea joined us for Holy Communion.

There are many ways to encounter Jesus in our lives.  Joining the congregation in worship is an opportunity to encounter our Lord through his word and sacrament.  Sharing stories of faith with other members in the congregation at bible studies, or Lenten midweek services or any other congregational gathering are other ways.  Taking a little time to visit one of our homebound elders is another.  By serving the individuals and families that come to the food pantry, the Thursday Community Meal, or the bi-monthly Christ Lutheran dinners in Lancaster City, one can encounter Jesus in many different forms. 

What are some other ways that you encounter Jesus?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Because I Made a Promise"

Parents, you are "salt" and "light" for your children. Your role in encouraging their faith lives is crucial. This is a wonderful article from giving tips to busy parents as to how to fulfill the promises they made on behalf of their children at baptism.

Because I made a promise - Blogs -